10 Jan Your Online Business Card: A Beautiful Website
The fist website went online in December 1990, sometime has passed since then, when the designs were simple, squared and, yes, somewhat plain. Want to refresh your memory? Well, let’s take a look at some of the big ones in the year of their creation: Google in 1996, Facebook in 2004, and YouTube in 2005.[/vc_column_text]
Web designs for Google, Facebook and Youtube when they were launched.
But things have changed a lot and nowadays we are able to develop beautiful user friendly designs. Consumers now look for speed, design, beautiful colours and somehow a page that invites to be navigated. It is the visit card of your business Online, a way to present your products, your contact information and invite them to visit or buy from you.
Likewise, not only web designs have changed, but also their development is simpler, and having a stunning has become a must, and an accessible one
Don’t leave your brand with an old unfriendly website, give your customers and your company a refreshed updated image.
Today there are tools to help us with this, free ones that will allow you to include basic functions; and more advanced ones that would let you personalize with your brand’s needs and universe.
Whichever your choice, be careful of implementing all digital marketing strategies. This will allow you to be found by your customers, and to promote efficiently your business.
If you want to know more about what can we do for you, where can you start, if you need to improve your website or develop a new one, contact Keywi Digital, we have the perfect fit for you!
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